Thursday, June 01, 2006

Good Bye Normie

About 15 years ago, in my junior year of high school, our family adopted a Vietnamese Pot Belly Pig. Well, WE didn’t, my step father did. I had heard about this pig being at the animal shelter in one of my classes. So, I casually mentioned it in conversation with my step dad that afternoon. He left the house shortly after. About an hour later he came home with this year old grunting black pig. He was scared and SCARY!! Let’s just say he was not the loving cuddly creatures you sometimes read about. He would ram our legs with his head and grunt most ominously. Many of our friends were afraid of him, though really he could do no harm.

We named him Norman. I actually had the privilege of naming him and did so after George Wendt’s character on Cheers. For some reason our local paper had heard of the news and did a story on Norman. Pig lives in city home as pet – for some strange reason that was newsworthy. So, for the rest of the semester my economics teacher referred to me as ‘pig girl’. That was fun.

Though Normie had his rough exterior (both figuratively and literally) he did manage to grunt his way into our hearts. He slept in my parent’s closet on a bed made of blankets. He would spend his days roaming and sleeping (mostly sleeping) about the yard. He loved to eat apples (and probably anything else you may drop at your feet). He lived a good life.

Yesterday, Norman had to leave us. He was euthanized due to his deteriorating health. There will be a void in our hearts and in my parent’s home. The Norman Era has ended. And though we all know it was the best decision for him, we still feel a great sadness and loss.

Bye bye Normie. Now you can eat all the apples you want and sleep in the warm sunshine of eternity. We will miss you.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Constitutional Ban on Gay Marriage

On November 7th Wisconsin voters will have the opportunity to vote for this constitutional ban:

"Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state."

In my perspective I cannot even fathom the idea that in the year 2006 we even have to address something like this. I cannot believe that there are people that exist that actually are bothered and want to fight against love and marriage. In a world full of hate, war, divorce, and anger...people chose to stand against THIS? The divorce rate among heterosexual couples is more than 50%. You think WE have expert advice to give on the topic?

You may think "what is the big deal"..."marriage is just a piece of paper anyway"...

Being married is more than just a piece of paper. Legal unions give couple's rights that they are otherwise not entitled. If one were to fall ill and they needed someone to speak for their medical rights and wishes, their partner would not be allowed to do so under current law. Not to mention insurance benefits. We all must realize the strain there is on society with uninsured and underinsured citizens. Marriage gives spouses insurance opportunities they wouldn't have without marriage.

Do you realize that it was not long ago that there were laws against a white person marring a black person? Today, that sounds ludicrous, doesn't it? This is no different.

People want to argue this topic on the grounds of morality. People argue that sexual preference is not comparable to gender or race. I beg to differ. I have heard someone argue, “A black person cannot stop being black, but a gay person can stop being gay.” I do not believe this to be true. A homosexual person may be able to live a life unauthentic ally due to the strains that society weighs upon them, but that does not mean they are no longer homosexual. Just because you cannot physically see who a person is doesn’t make it less true. You cannot visually recognize a person’s religion, but that doesn’t mean that religious discrimination doesn’t exist. What you CAN always see, however, is that they are simply human. Please, treat them as such.

Please urge your friends and family members to not only VOTE, but vote for what is right. Everyone deserves the same benefits, rights, and responsibilities in our society. Our laws and constitution need to reflect that.

Please visit the following site and sign their petition:

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Removing the Mask

Our masks that protect us
Our armor that shields
These walls of comfort
To others just yields

How can they care
If they never see the real you
How can they love
If they never really knew

We hide in fear
Cowering in corners
We beg for understanding
But live like mourners

Some masks heavy
Almost like stone
Others are clear
And loosely sewn

What mask do you carry
Exhaustingly upon your face
How solid is the wall
Around your space

Perhaps it is time to take a peek
At a life without the veil
See what is really out there
Sans the weight, you may just sail

Lift it gently, put it in a box
Give your thanks, say goodbye
Let the world see the real you
And no longer live a lie

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Okay, I am Committed...Or I SHOULD Be Committed..

I just finished filling my weekly medication container. You know the kind...the plastic with the flip top lids for each day of the week...I am sure you have seen one at your 85 year old grandmother's house. Anyway, I just filled mine for the next 7 days. Starting tomorrow I am taking my new heart medication. I was suppose to start a week ago, but have been procrastinating big time. I am so terrified about taking this new medication. I honestly have a fear that I can die from this switch. Why? Why am I so paranoid? Why do I have to catastrophize every little medical thing in my life? here is what I am afraid could happen...

1. Die

2. Go into a scary arrythmia and have to go to ER to be converted

3. Have more tachycardia and palpitations (that the med won't work as well as the one I am on now)

4. Heightened anxiety (have already been told this is quite likely)

5. That I will gain weight

Okay. Those are my fears. I need to TRY to be more positive. Say things like

1. You will feel so much better on this new med

2. You will be able to breathe easier

3. You will have a ton more energy

4. You will be able to exercise more

5. You will lose weight easier

6. You will have less palpitations

7. You will not notice any change in anxiety

So, why are those harder for me to accept?? Ugghhh..I really annoy myself.

If I live, I will let you know how it goes. If I don't well, love ya miss ya.

Monday, May 01, 2006

United 93 - A Review

This weekend I saw the film United 93. Prior to seeing the movie I had looked up some reviews on the internet. Within different forums, I have found that many people feel that this story, along with the entire 9/11 tragedy, a conspiracy created by our own government. I was shocked as I have never heard these accusations before. I was also surprised at how many people seem to believe this. My review of the movie is not going to try to debate any political beliefs. I am not going to ponder, in this blog, the relevance of a possible conspiracy nor defend the ludicracy of the speculation. I am simply going to tell you how I felt about the film itself.

The movie was shot in a documentary fashion, a lot of camera movement. The actors were not big shot Hollywood types. In fact, I only recognized two ‘extras’ from older TV shows. The acting itself was very real. There was stuttering, mumbling, and what I consider to be real life dialogue (which is rarely seen in a typically movie). This made the movie very realistic to me. I felt as though I was there, which was a very emotional experience for me. I almost physically got sick twice, I was anxious, cried through out the movie at different parts, my throat tightened, and after the film I was shaken and exhausted.

With my sensitive tendencies, this movie was actual work to watch. But I am glad I saw it. I thought it was very well acted, edited, and directed. I felt it was done with the best of intentions. So many emotions filtered through me during the movie. Deep sadness, anxiety, pride, faith, empathy…I believe this film should be seen by all simply for these emotions. I feel that our society lacks humanity in its purist forms and perhaps we need stories, movies, events like this to shock us back into what and who we are suppose to be…people; people with kindness and compassion, people without constant apathy and distain.

For those who argue that validity of this film, for those who think it is far from factual and even go as far to say it is a lie, I say it isn’t about that. I say maybe there is a deeper purpose for this film and films alike. I felt that purpose. And still feel it. I suggest you feel it too.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Killing Ourselves with Protection?

It is becoming more and more apparent to me that the numbers of people with allergies are increasing significantly in the past several years. I being one of them. I developed hay fever in my early twenties. Excessive sneezing, congestion, trouble breathing through my nose, terrible sinus headaches are some of my symptoms. Last year, I finally bit the bullet and visited an allergist. I now take Zyrtec and Nasacort. My symptoms have virtually disappeared.

This past week I have noticed that my 19 month old daughter has unfortunately taken on my malady. Same times of year. Same symptoms. But on a small child, they seem so exaggerated. My daughter has been home with me since she was born. I only just started bringing her to a daycare in the past 2 months for a few hours a week for socialization development. Other than that, she hasn’t had much exposure to other children and their ‘cooties’. I am certainly not a germaphobe, and I am not constantly disinfecting everything. But I think that her lack of exposure may play a part in why allergies are affecting her at such a young age.

Seasonal allergy symptoms are basically our body’s reacting to elements in the environment that are not in themselves harmful. But because our immune system finds them to be inhaled strangers, it releases histamine to fight the off the strangers. And the histamine causes inflammation which is what causes many of the symptoms.

When I was a kid, we played outside from morning to night. We never had antibacterial soap, hand wipes, or sanitizing gel. We sat in contaminated grocery carts, we ate off the tables in restaurants, and sat on public toilet seats. All of these things are quite foreign to children today. We, as a society, are constantly cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting…all of our products are antibacterial…and everyone is immunized and given antibiotics for everything that can or does ail us.

I sincerely feel that this over protection is weakening our immune systems. And I think it could actually be what kills the human race in the long run. If we react to these actions with allergies, I have to wonder what other problems we are creating or giving more power to with all of this armor. Cancers? Asthma? Lactose intolerance? I wonder if we didn’t avoid illness and discomfort to the extent that we do, especially with our children, perhaps they would be stronger to fight off the bigger, more dangerous illnesses to come. I wonder if exposure to chicken pox, colds, and mumps may actually make us stronger individually and as a civilization.

Just something I am thinking about. I have immunized my daughter for everything her Dr. suggested. I gave her antibiotics twice for ear infections. And I even keep her home when she has the sniffles. But I do have to wonder, am I really doing her and society a favor? Something to think about.