Reading the newspaper this morning, which I usually tend to avoid due to all the negativity, I read an obituary that has me perplexed and sad. There is a woman who was the exact same age as me, a week younger in fact, who has died. I didn’t know this woman and we did not attend the same schools. But I knew several people that have known her throughout the years, so I have heard of her. I also went on one blind date with her twin brother in high school. It did not go well, so a second date was never to be. She was 31 years old, married, with young children. Reading the memorial, she obviously had many loved ones and was even Godmother to 3 or 4 different children. I find this all so very sad.
Why did she die? The obituary gives no clues and I have found no articles regarding her being involved in an accident. I have the email of one friend who knows her so I am awaiting a response from her. I cannot get this out of my mind. It is like I need to know HOW she died. Is that completely morbid? I certainly do not mean to be. As I said, I am just very perplexed and sad. And I didn’t even know her.
Yesterday was a bad, bad day. I woke up with terrible heart palpitations. PVCs as they are known in the arrhythmia world. I do get them and have been getting used to them, but this was the first time they woke me up and were so frequent. I took my medication and they did improve. But this feeling of doom and dread did not cease. Even though I was not panic stricken, I had this concern all day about my heart and having a possible heart attack. My mother and husband both tell me over and over that I am fine, healthy, and young…and to stop worrying. But then I read this obituary and am reminded that age has little to do with death and when it can strike.
I know I need to come to a peaceful acceptance about death. I need to conform to the knowledge that I truly have no control over it and it will come when it is suppose to. I need to learn how to do this. I feel I am getting better at this acceptance and realization, but I defiantly need improvement.
I have come to the realization of something else, however, and it is something at which most would roll their eyes. I was born with a particular energy. I feel things many do not feel. I feel things very strongly not only within my own body, but also outside of my own being. I think I can sometimes sense when bad things are going to happen. I can actually sometimes FEEL what another person is feeling. I think it is referred to as being an empath of sorts. I am still learning about this side of myself and so far, I have seen it only as a drag to say the least. But I think it is a very possible reason for my unexplained ‘spells’. Not the anxiety, but the strange days of complete fear, doom, and physical discomfort. I will give you a couple examples.
The day before 9/11, I laid on the bathroom floor throwing up and crying. I was in a very deep depression and was physically sick. It was completely out of nowhere and completely unexplained. I called the Dr. and made an appt for the next day, thinking perhaps I was pregnant. On my way to the Dr. I was listening to the radio when the planes hit the World Trade Center. At that moment, that feeling of doom and sickness simply lifted away. I was so very sad of course about the whole tragedy, but it was like everyone else’s sadness. Not the deep sorrow I was feeling the day previous.
The night the miners in Virginia died in the collapsed mine, I had this same feeling. Along with it was vertigo, which I had never experienced in my life, and trouble breathing fully. I was also suddenly extremely fatigued. I laid in bed all night. The next morning I had heard that the men had died.
There have been a number of instances like this. Sure it could all be coincidence. But I am keeping a journal from now on to keep track of these strange occurrences. My mom suggested last night that perhaps I was feeling the way I was last night because something bad was going to happen, perhaps to someone else. And even though I have been effected by this woman’s death, it cannot be the explanation for yesterday's feelings because she died last week. So, who knows.
Anyway, this blog obviously went askew. I apologize.
My condolences go out to the Christiansen and Zanis families. I feel such sadness for their loss.
Death is but a stage in our journey. And though the way to go may vary, sometimes an early departure only means the person was ready to take the next step.
Regarding your foresight abilities, you know I'm a skeptical person, which doesn't mean I think it's impossible, just most of the people who claim this or similar situations are either charlatans or deceiving themsleves (oh yes the mind can play amazing tricks). I do not think YOU are a charlatan in any circumstance. And I cannot say that you are deceiving yourself, not without being there with you long enough to get to know you better. So ... I'll believe you, not without considering the possiblitity that it's all in your mind.
Maybe you do have one rare gift. If so, I only wish it didn't make you suffer.
I miss you my friend.
Hello Alina!! I miss you as well!! I will join the board again in due time. Just taking a break from many things in my life right now. My energy is so depleted.
I can say that I agree with your skepticism completely as I am the same. But I do know that certain people do have certain abilities. I can watch Sylvia Browne and think she is a total hoax..then watch John Edward and be completely moved. As for myself, I really don't know what I have if anything. I do know that it seems to have no real value. I have been doing some reading on Precognitive Empathy and on Empaths/Healers in general - and a lot of it does ring true for me. But I guess I would need to learn a lot more and possible talk to someone about it who is more of an expert.
About death..I know I need to come to grips with the whole reality. Perhaps I need to learn more about Buddism. I don't know.
Thank you so much for popping in and reading what I write. So few do. Even those in my own family! Know I appreciate your kind and honest words.
I am 50 and basically have had similar thoughts like you since I was about 24.I worked in a hospital and experienced death.People pick a time to die.Most deaths are suicides.Drug abuse,bad habits,etc.We are all dying from the moment we are born,as are all creatures.It is sad about your friend.But there is no rhyme or reason in this life.People try to correct it and it will never happen,ever.
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